Strategy Content

Are You One of the 51% Not Delivering the Right Content?

Written by Daniel Kohl
on 17 Jun 2019

Content is something that marketers are beginning to get their heads around. For a long time, content marketing was something to adjust to, rather than specialise in. But things are different now. As it was often an afterthought, now it’s becoming a specialty all its own. Still, how do you know if you’re delivering the right content? 

Thankfully, there are now an abundance of content marketers, who look at content as much more than a mere afterthought. Instead, the creation of written and visual content is some of the most sought after talent in the game. But again, the question remains: Are you delivering the right content?

Well, new research shows that 51% of marketers don’t believe they’re effective enough in their content. They essentially don’t think their content is cutting through and is pushing people further into their funnels.

This is an issue. It could partly be due to the fact that marketers say they’re creating content in response to internal requests, rather than content based on strategy.

In the report, key challenges were highlighted by marketers when it comes to their content. The key challenges faced by marketers are technology, content strategy, and having the lack of confidence in planning and executing new and exciting content to their audience.

Content calendar with pins - ensuring they're delivering the right content

Planning your content

Effectively planning content is one of the biggest problems for marketers today. Most businesses seem to publish content only because they have heard “Content is king” or because they saw competitors trying to put out some content too. However, without a content strategy, posting ad hoc is little impact in driving business goals.

Still, when it comes to planning new content, statistics say that more marketers are developing content strategies in 2019 compared to 2018. As 60% of businesses in 2019 commit to developing a content strategy, compared to 43% in 2018. However, the issue lays in execution. As many marketers are experiencing difficulty implementing their strategies.

This takes us back to one of the main issues. The internal content dilemma. The typical approach to content for 48% of marketers is said to be “project-focused.” Meaning they’re creating content by request from those within their organisation, rather than following a planned strategy.

(READ: The Customer Value Journey Roadmap)

An example of how far off marketers are from delivering exceptional content to their customers, at the right time, for the right audience, the report found that only 22% of marketers build content around buyer personas. Couple this with less than 15% align content to the customer journey. Meaning their customer value journey is becoming disjointed and disconnected, somewhere along the way.

Surprisingly, only a small 10% of the total respondents felt strongly they were delivering the right content, to the right audience.

Scaling and growth through on-boarding

However, this can be changed. Since we’re seeing more marketers and businesses developing content strategies, we’re clearly moving in the right direction. But it was the implementation of the strategies that dropped the success rate of content. This is something to be worked on, in accordance with developing a robust plan.

(READ: Why Content Marketing is an Essential Element in a Marketing Plan)

Often times, small and medium-sized businesses struggle to adequately implement their strategy due to their being incredibly stressed, pressed for time and low staffed. A great way to amend this, is to bring in extra help. Although many small businesses swear they cannot afford to bring in external help, many entrepreneurs would attest to a new hire directly influencing the positive scaling of the business over time.

Be it because they can take on the jobs the owner cannot, or they are just a helping hand. External assistance for small to medium-sized businesses help the business scale and see growth.

In summary

Seeing positive growth in your business is not always easy. However, oftentimes, it can come down to not only making a few key decisions, but following through with them. Whether that be to create a robust content strategy and to actively work at it to make sure your content has an effect with your followers. Or to make one or two key hires to ensure growth. Success can be on the cards, with an effective content strategy and with the time to actually roll it out.

The data referenced in this article came from the Vennli report, surveying 250 marketers during January and February of 2019.

You can download the full report, here!

If you would like to explore your options, please feel free to contact us. We will sit down with you, providing you your very own and customised Customer Value Journey that you can use to steer your business.

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