30 Gmail Keyboard Shortcuts That Could Save You HOURS

Written by Bridgette Weller Brown
on 17 Mar 2021

Do you spend a large chunk of your time in emails?

If you send and receive the majority of your Gmails on a computer keyboard shortcuts can save you HOURS.

As a Digital Marketing agency, we understand your pain as we too spend a good majority of our workday in emails. So we’ve put together a list of the 30 keyboard shortcuts we found were the most useful to cut corners in Gmail.

Before you know it you’ll be emailing like a pro.

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First, how to turn Gmail shortcuts on.

  1. Click Settings in the top-right corner of Gmail.
  2. Under the “General” tab, find the “Keyboard shortcuts” section and select Keyboard shortcuts on.
  3. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.
  4. Go back to Settings, click on the “Labs” tab, find “Custom keyboard shortcuts” and click Enable.
  5. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.

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Now that you have keyboard shortcuts turned on, take a look at this comprehensive list of the best time-saving shortcuts.

  1. Open keyboard shortcut help (Shift + ?)
  2. Select a series of messages (Shift)
  3. Select random messages (Command)
  4. Select all unread messages (Shift + 8 + u)
  5. Archive selected messages (e)
  6. Mark selected messages as important (=)
  7. Compose (c)
  8. Search for messages (/)
  9. Go to tasks (g + k)
  10. Add a conversation to tasks (Shift + t)
  11. Reply (r)
  12. Reply all (a)
  13. Forward (f)
  14. Mark current messages unread (Shift + u)
  15. Mark selected a message as important (=)
  16. Archive selected message (e)
  17. Jump to newer email (k)
  18. Jump to previous email (j)
  19. Jump to next message in email thread (n)
  20. Jump to the previous message in the email thread (p)
  21. Mute a conversation (m)
  22. Jump back to inbox view (u)
  23. Insert a link (Command + k)
  24. Insert numbered list (Command + Shift + 7)
  25. Insert bullet points (Command + Shift + 8)
  26. Bold/Italicise/Underline (Command + b/Command + l/Command + u)
  27. Remove formatting (Command + Control + \)
  28. Switch between send name, subject line, and body of the email (Tab)
  29. Send Email (Command + Enter)
  30. Bring up Emoji keyboard (Control + Command + Space)

For the full list of Gmail keyboard shortcuts, take a look at this Google support page.

There you have it, before you know it you’ll amaze people with how fast you can respond to their email.

(READ: What is a Lead in Digital Marketing)

SOURCE: Hubspot

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