How To Create An Ad Account on Facebook

Written by Bridgette Weller Brown
on 05 May 2021

Need to know how to create an ad account on Facebook?

Head of Marketing Connor explores EVERYTHING you NEED to know about Digital Marketing in our new series Digital Marketing Cafe!

(READ: Digital Marketing Cafe Ep 1: How to Create a Facebook Page)

So the next step is we’re going to create an ad account. So from within our ad account, we can run our ads. Now we need to make sure we have access to that through our Facebook Business Manager. So at the moment, I’m here within Connor’s Coins, and I’m going to create a new ad account. So the first step is to click on this blue add button here, and we can see the three options that we have are add an ad account request, access to an Ad Account, or create a new one.

So if you have an ad account that you’re trying to gain access to, maybe through a different business page or a different business manager. We’re going to select that option can request access to an existing ad account from someone else’s Business Manager again, or we can create a new one, and that’s what we’re going to do today.

We’re going to start with a blank slate—Connor’s Test a new ad account in here. So when I create, when I click to create a new Ad Account, it will ask me for the name. So I got to test so that we understand which ones I click on next. And then I’m going to create it for Connor’s Coins here.

So I’m going to scroll down, and there are Connor’s Coins. So I’m going to create the ad account for this one here. Click on create. So now we have our Ad Account Conner’s Test.

(READ: Digital Marketing Cafe Ep 2: How To Add A Page To Facebook Business Manager)

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