Strategy Web Design

4 Reasons Why Your Business Needs an AWESOME Website to Compete

Written by Daniel Kohl
on 22 Jul 2019

A quality website has never been more important for businesses than right now. Regardless of your industry, a killer website allows you to compete and establish authority in your customers’ eyes.

Unless you’re disinterested in growing your brand, you have an obligation to compete. And this means creating a killer website. There are many reasons to do so. However, the main reason is so that your audience can find you easily, engage with you and consume your valuable content.

Looking good in the digital landscape is important. Despite this, there are still business owners who resist getting into the digital sphere and investing in a quality website. Excuses such as: “I don’t have the time”, “I’m not tech-savvy” or “I have enough business as is”.

The fact is, that it’s never been easier to create a website than right now. Whether you choose to head to an agency, build it yourself or use a service like Wix or Squarespace, it’s incredibly straight forward to create your digital real estate.

Your website is often the first impression you give potential customers. If they found you through search or a link, your website will be your first point of contact with them. But if you still need convincing, here are the four key reasons why your business needs a killer website to compete in today’s market.

People trust a professional website

Did you know that when searching for a business, people are more likely to trust a website than Google My Business? Well, it’s true.

In some new research in the US, it was revealed that local business websites “hold more weight than Google My Business listings when it comes to consumer trust”. According to BrightLocal, a professional website is a more desirable mode of gathering information. Compare this to Google My Business, where people found that websites were often more accurate and up-to-date.

Like a well-designed logo, a website is an extension of your business. It communicated to your customer much more than just your location and opening times. It effectively builds trust through the sheer act of appearing like you care how you come across. And this is important to your customers since it boosts your credibility and legitimacy in the eyes of your customers.

The Caffeinate Digital Lead Designer said it best: “As consumers, we associate strong brands with trust and professionalism. So although you’re in control of your business and professionalism from a functional standpoint. Are you in control of how you’re coming across?”

(READA Note from Caffeinate’s Head of Design: Consistent Design Wins)

Effective sales funnel helping you meet business goals

If you want to push potential customers further through the Customer Value Journey, a website is a great way to go. More specifically, a great landing page associated with your campaigns is a great way to go.

Although you can publish great content that’ll be on your website 24/7 for people to see. A great landing page increases inquiries and you KPIs.

Your website landing pages work as a link between your other campaigns and you. Making it simple for the respondents of your campaigns to enquire with you, specifically to the ad that they chose to click on.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a Google AdWords campaign, Facebook campaign, email marketing campaign or any other digital campaign. If you have an effective landing page on your website, you will push these people much further down the sales funnel.

It’s important to recognize that a great landing page should only serve one purpose. Like mentioned before (it shouldn’t be forgotten), that purpose is to push your customers further along the sales funnel. That’s why the best landing pages are created specifically for your individual campaigns. Instead of linking to your websites ‘About’ page to try and convert your page visitors.

In practice, landing pages are made to convert. When designed well, your landing page can potentially convert up to 10% of visitors. Compare this to using your ‘About’ page as the page that’s linked to your digital campaigns, it wouldn’t be surprising if they convert less than 1% of people. That’s the power of an excellent landing page and why they’re integral to your other marketing efforts.

sales funnel whiteboard

On-going customer support

An optimised website is excellent at communicating with your customers via content. However, a commonly forgotten way in which they can really excel, is through customer support functionality.

Customer support functionality for your website can be a variety of things, each working to effectively improve your customers’ interaction with your brand through on-going support, communication, troubleshooting and problem-solving. What’s great about it, is that often your website can do this, with you ever needing to actually get on the phone to a client. Even if this would be an excellent augmented service.

By having a support or FAQ page on your website, you will improve your interactions with your clients. By providing them with the extra service, your clients will not only appreciate the extra help, but will trust you through a built rapport. Not only that, it will save you time to focus on other more pressing issues. Your customers can get their queries solved before asking you directly.

Global presence

Who knows where your business is going to be in two years. You may be trying to expand into new markets, whether that means a new part of the country or internationally. This is why websites are a clear winner.

Websites are “open for business” 24/7 for anyone with internet. So wherever you expand into, you can have a clear global presence there in no time. Ultimately saving you money in the process. Need we say more?

In summary

We’re in the digital age. So the bottom line is that customers just expect you to have a website. Beyond this, they will trust you more if you have one. But given that your competitors are building great websites, it’s more than in your concern to compete with them and communicate with them in this effective media.

Don’t forget that a website can represent your business, streamlining it’s branding and pulling everything together in one easy-to-access place. Filling your customers full of trust, allowing you to save time through on-going customer support strategies, increasing KPIs and making your dreams of a global presence, a reality.

If you need any more information as to why a website is a fantastic idea for your business, contact us today. We’d love to hear from you.

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