Why Facebook Retargeting WORKS

Written by Sandra Argese
on 05 Aug 2020

Facebook is sitting atop the social media mantle – and it isn’t going anywhere.

There are many other social media platforms out there – TikTok, Instagram, Twitter – you name it, and despite being SUPER popular, none have overtaken Facebook as being the most-used platform on earth.

Did you know Facebook was the first social network to surpass 1 billion registered accounts? As of April 2020, it sits at almost 2.5 billion monthly active users as the most-used social media platform in the world – and marketers across the globe have taken note.

Research has shown 89% of marketers utilise Facebook as their primary ad platform, while 83% of consumers regularly log into the app.

Everything about these stats makes perfect sense. After all, marketers will market where people go. Think of it like this – You’re not going to use Snapchat to market a product targeted to 70-year-old men, when this particular demographic doesn’t use Snapchat at all. That just doesn’t make much sense…

One of the biggest and best things you can do with Facebook advertising comes in the form of retargeting.

(READ: How To Create Awesome Content that’ll Win Customers)

What’s this mean?

Let’s say you visit a website or landing page but didn’t make a purchase or left something in a shopping cart (if it’s an e-commerce site).

Perhaps you Googled a question, and you visited a website with some valuable content that answered that question.

All of a sudden, the ads you see on Facebook in your news feed come from the website you visited. This is Facebook retargeting.

Facebook Retargeting enables you to advertise and market to potential leads like these who didn’t convert. Think of it as if you’re saying to someone “You have been on my website so I want to remind you that you have been on my website and that you almost purchased, and I’m going to help get you over the line to make a purchase.”

facebook retargeting

So you’re probably wondering how do you do this? How do you Facebook retarget?

By capturing traffic to your website through cookies (cookies track your activity and information), you can move the relationship along and re-target people.

(READ: Six Awesome Ways to Increase Facebook Engagement)

So what are the benefits of retargeting?

Think of this process as ‘tagging’ your website visitors so that you can re-appear to them, and remind them to engage with your brand. That could come in the form of a sale or enquiry, for example.

Remember, anyone who has interacted with your online assets before was obviously interested in your brand for some particular reason. So let’s remind them why by retargeting them on Facebook to try and get them to take the next action.

Want to Retarget your customers? Get in touch with us today.

(READ: The Customer Value Journey: How to Create a Digital Marketing Strategy)

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